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Monday, May 10, 2010

Japan Airlines Flight Close to Bali

Denpasar - Bali threatened loss of 12 thousand Japanese tourists in every month. The reason, airline Japan Airlines (JAL) will close its direct flights to Bali due to collapse.

Closing airline flights to Bali by country of origin of this Sakura, related plans to close approximately 50 domestic and international flight routes. This closure will be done per October 1, 2010.

This was conveyed by the General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura (AP) I (Persero) Heru Legowo Ngurah Rai Airport, in the office at the Ngurah Rai Airport, Monday (05/10/2010).

Heru estimate closure JAL flight to Bali would affect the number of Japanese tourist visit to Bali. "The average per day, JAL carry about 400 people each day to Bali," he said. So, in a month, Bali has the potential to lose approximately 12 thousand tourists.

Another effect is the reduction in revenue after the closing of this JAL routes to the Ngurah Rai International Airport. Bahkab, Bali tourism industry will also be affected. ''All the elements of tourism, including hotels, tourist facilities, and others will feel the impact, "he added.

Right Now, Japan is one of the major markets of tourism in Bali. Even for several years, Japan became the country contributing the most tourists to Bali, followed by Australia.

JAL will cover the routes with flights from and to Bali in two cities in Japan following the collapse of JAL business.

However, Bali is still able to breathe because at the same time a number of foreign airlines flying to Bali would soon begin in June 2010. Some even add a route, such as airline flies Bali-Australia route.

Sri Mulyani: My True Nationalist

Jakarta - Sri Mulyani nationalists are not afraid because it is not considered resigning from his post as Minister of Finance, World Bank and receive a bid to become the Managing Director.

"I was a true nationalist," he said after accompanying President Yudhoyono met George Soros in the Office of the President, Jakarta, Monday (10/05/2010).

On the occasion, Sri Mulyani also questioned about the precise criteria concerning financial menggawangi substitute itself for the country. However, Sri Mulyani was reluctant to answer because it is the authority of the President.

"Mr. President, of course that thinking carefully and cooked all aspects, however the Ministry of Finance is very important. We'll see, about the process," he said.

On the occasion, Sri Mulyani also responded matter-quarter economic growth that reached 5.7% in 2010. He thinks it is a good start in the year 2010 this.

"I see the second quarter is usually stronger again, so we expect that momentum is not affected. A little bit must be maintained because of course turbulence that occurred in Greece and Europe is causing the atmosphere that must be addressed," he said.

According to him, if all elements of government policies which are summarized in APBN-P 2010 lived in earnest, then the rate of economic growth in subsequent quarters will be higher than the achievement of the first quarter-2010.


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